Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Finally Finished

Here are pics of my most recently quilted quilt. I had Marilyn at Miss Milles machine quilt it and it turned out gorgeous. She has two of the computerized Statler Stitchers which do beautiful work.
Now about the quilt. It's a stamp cross stitch quilt kit which I stated more than 30 years ago. I had finished the center medallion but not the border. Then I started doing patchwork quilting and never got back to this one. Recently I decided I would never get it done so I asked my mom if she would finish the border flowers. She got them done and I got it quilted. Back when I was a stay at home mom I made a few of this type quilt and my mom and gram made some too. That was our needlework past time.


Mom2fur said...

That is just stunning! I don't think I could finish something like that in even 300 years!

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

The quilt is beautiful. I'm glad you persevered and finished it.