Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Picture of Food?

"You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces-just good food from fresh ingredients" - JULIA CHILD

I never thought I would take a photo of food, let alone be posting it on my blog, let alone be blogging. So there. Here's one of my dinner from the other evening. We were just having salad, but when I got done fixing my plate, it seemed to look so pretty. I decided to take a picture of it. My husband thought it quite funny, me photographing food, but I've become more daring with my new camera. I find it easier to take pictures of just about anything since I have the Kodak camera and printer system, and my first digital experience. Since I can avoid printing on paper, and just put it on my computer, no waste. Now I take pictures of things I never thought I would. Some I print, some I don't. I am really not an artistic photographer but that simple salad said something to me. I thank Jane at Yarnstorm for much inspiration. She is really good at what she does and all her photographs are just gorgeous. Right now I'm waiting for her new book "The Gentle Art of Domesticity" to come out here in America. I've got it on order and am looking forward to seeing many more photos and lots of ideas.

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