Thursday, July 17, 2008


Boy, I'm just veering away from my main thought for having a blog to talk about all of my handcrafts but I am really passionate about this. I don't use the word lightly so I really don't use it much at all. I guess there would be levels of passion and this is at the top. I'm not a fanatic "Tree Hugger" but I do care deeply about how humans take care of this earth. There are lots of things that could have been done years ago but I don't think any one ever realized what things could come to now. I'm old enough to remember the Mideast oil embargo of the 70's and you would have thought we had learned our lesson but nooooo the gasoline kept flowing. Oh well, maybe we've still got a chance with somebody like T. Boone Pikens speaking up. At least if we recycle, drive our vehicles smarter, use our home appliances wisely, use flouescents but remember to turn them out when leaving a room(I'd been guilty of that in past years but cleaned up my act a while back) we are trying. I feel good doing the things that I am but still want to do more. I've wanted solar panels on our home for years, so maybe the time will finally come, and maybe a small wind turban, too. We just started getting Planet Green on cable and it's full of shows with great ideas-from the big things people with lots of money can do to the little things we all can do. Oh my, I've got to get down off of this soapbox and relax with some quilting or crochet.
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