Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Jessica's Baby Quilts

I almost forgot about these quilts. I made the pink one for Jessica right after she was born. Back in 1978 (the dark ages?) it wasn't the norm to find out what gender your baby would be. We all just waited for the birth. I got the girl after two boys. I wanted something quick that could be thrown on the floor, dragged around, etc. so I came up with this. Made it in a few days. The binding by hand took a little while. I had just machine pieced the squares. A friend was having a baby and of course we didn't know what it would be so I made both a pink and blue quilt. That way I'd be ready. It too was a girl so she got the pink one. No little boys came along so Jessica got the blue one, too. Those 2 quilts were dragged from pillar to post. My boys-Troy and Kraig-liked going to the movies and I realized I could buy a whole lot of popcorn and a snacks for what a baby sitter would cost. I decided to pack up a bag with everything Jessica would need along with one of her quilts and tried taking her to the show with us. And it worked . She was always so good. I'd just wrap her up and she'd take a nap all cozy in her quilt. At that time kids under 5 got in free so it worked out great. As she became a toddler she liked going to see the movies and having popcorn and she'd drag that blankie along. There were always lots of good movies for kids. As Troy got older, it was just me, Kraig and Jessica. Then when Kraig got to old to go with mom, It was just me and Jess. The kids and I enjoyed many a matinee. At home she always used a quilt when napping, sometimes on the floor while I sewed, rather than in bed. When it was nap time she'd say "make me a mess(meaning nest)" and I'd wrap her up in the quilt. Both quilts are still in good shape after many many washings. Now they're packed away safely for when Jessica wants them.

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