Friday, September 12, 2008


I was visiting my regular favorite blogs today and had a memory jog at Blackberry Creek Summer. She was remembering a local kids TV host that had passed away but left wonderful memories. She put me in mind of my favorite--Texas Bruce and the Wrangler Club in St. Louis, Missouri. Boy, did I rush home from school every day to tune in. It had cartoons, cowboys, and of course kids. I loved it. I always wished I could go on the show and I'd think of the list of people I'd say Hi! to when I did. Never made it, but spent a lot of fun times watching it.

I haven't lived in St. Louis for many years so am not up on the news there. I knew with my wonderful computer, if I typed in his name I'd find him. I did but sadly the site I found was on his passing, back on July 18th of this year. Happily, he was a ripe old 91 years so had a long productive life. I didn't realize it but the show was on for 13 years, a few of which I got to enjoy.

I commented to Susan about it being too bad we don't still have more shows like that today. And then there was Captain Kangaroo, Howdy Doody, and Kukla, Fran, and Ollie. Does everyone remember these?

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