Monday, February 4, 2008

Trying out some new crochet

Pics of what I'm trying now. I tried a 1/4 square granny log cabin(the square in red) but that is not a go right now. I need to go back and choose different and more dominant single colors. It looks better in person but just all ran together in the photo. So back to the drawing board on this one.
The multi color log cabin above worked out well and I am continuing on with more of those squares for a lapghan.
The triangles I love and will be making those for a afghan.
And of course plain ol granny squares.
These will be my big projects for this year(and next, probably) If I get board with one thing, I'll pick up another project. I've got a basket for each one. Of coures there will still be the quick scarves, Amigurumi, and other small quick items to do. Even a 6 hour quick stick afghan or two.
My ripple is about 3 rows short of being done. I'll post a pic of that in the next day or so and say "Hooray, It's finished."
I don't know what I'll finish or how fast but the main thing is having something in our hands, right? It's therapy and peace after a tedious day or calm on an afternoon off from work.

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