Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Well, we've got more kittens. My son lives out in the country and about 2 weeks ago found these little guys on the side of the gravel road leading to his house. He's an animal lover like the rest of our family so of course took them home. He has had lots of pets so knows how to care for animals. The problem was he just didn't realize how young they were. My daughter lives the closest to him and on Sunday got a phone call from him saying the little yellow one was limp and very sick and maybe dying and the grey one wouldn't stop crying. My daughter rushed to his house and then called me. We decided to call our veterinarian and she said to bring them to the office, so my daughter did. There was nothing wrong with them except they were hungry and cold(even in this hot weather we're having) The shocker was they were only 4 weeks old right now. They needed more than kitten food and regular milk. My daughter decided to care for them at her home. The vet said to be sure and keep them warm holding them as much as possible and get as much as the special mothers milk formula into them feeding every couple of hours. By the afternoon it was like a miracle. Their bellies were bulging and they were both active and playful. They just needed lots more care and a surrogate mother which my daughter became. They are really cute little guys-both boys. Now we've just got to decide where they will make their home. Where ever it will be a good one.


Mary said...

They are just so adorable - thank goodness your son rescued them and your daughter got them help and then fattened them up! Know someone will want to take them later and give them a loving permanent home.

Kathy Ann said...

Hi there I just wanted to say thank you for your comments on granny-along. I feel much better knowing others float from one craft project to another. My family always tease me for not sticking to one project at a time so I've developed a bit of a complex! :-P I'll just have to consider myself an all round sunday driver I guess. Sorry to post this thank you here couldnt find an email address for you.
P.S Wow I love what you have up on your blog, craft wise!