Sunday, August 17, 2008
Lucky Dog Quilt

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Quick post

Just a quick post for anyone interested. I got the booklet from Herrschner's but I'm not finding it in their catalog right now. Went to the web and typed in Paton's Yarns and got a website for the company. The booklet shows there but I'm not sure how you go about purchasing it. I'm glad I found the site because there are free patterns and a newsletter and lots of information.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Another super movie I've seen. It was every bit as good as the first.
I wondered if there would be a sequel getting all the same characters back together. I'm really glad it happened.
I went with my mom on Saturday afternoon and it was perfect. Just sitting in the dark show with my popcorn and soda, totally relaxed. The scenery was beautiful(much like Mama Mia) and the music really set the story. I'm a big fan of soundtracks which I think add so much to any movie.
I have all four of the Sisterhood books in my library-books are another one of my passions-but have only read the first two. I'd better pull them down down and get reading. Maybe they'll make those into movies also. I'll keep my fingers crossed. If nothing else though, I know the books will be good reads.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Finally Finished

Here are pics of my most recently quilted quilt. I had Marilyn at Miss Milles machine quilt it and it turned out gorgeous. She has two of the computerized Statler Stitchers which do beautiful work.
Now about the quilt. It's a stamp cross stitch quilt kit which I stated more than 30 years ago. I had finished the center medallion but not the border. Then I started doing patchwork quilting and never got back to this one. Recently I decided I would never get it done so I asked my mom if she would finish the border flowers. She got them done and I got it quilted. Back when I was a stay at home mom I made a few of this type quilt and my mom and gram made some too. That was our needlework past time.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I've Been Tagged, Now What Do I Do?
I've been tagged by Kathy Ann at "Be-Stitched, Artfully." My first time, so of course the big question is "How do I do this?" Kathy Ann has walked me through the art of tagging and I think I finally got it. So, here goes.
Here are the rules
1 Link back to the person who tagged you
2 Mention the rules on your blog
3 Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4 Tag 6 following bloggers by linking to them
5 Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers blogs letting them know they've been
Six unspectacular quirks about me.
1. When I hand piece quilt blocks, I use tons of pins, at least ever 1/4 inch. I get very accurate seams, the same as using less pins, but no matter. I need lots of pins.
2. I collect McDonald's Happy meal Toys and with the help of some very nice Micky-Ds employees, I'm able to complete sets many times.
3. I absolutely love rainy days and snowy days, more than the opposites. I know I need the sunshine but those rainy or snowy days could go on and on for me.
4. I have this need to protect all things living. I stop my car whenever I can to move a turtle to the side of the road. I don't squish bugs, spiders, etc. but catch them in a glass or with a paper towel and put them outside. I pick up worms that have crawled on to my porch or drive and throw them into the grass.
5. I love movies and classic TV shows and watch them over and over and over and over again.
6. I talk to my self (out loud) especially when I'm crocheting or quilting instead of thinking
I tag the following people whose blogs I have been enjoying.
Susan at Blackberry Creek Home Arts
Molly at Dark Oak Woman
Mary at Across the Pond
Pheeyla at Ramblings of a Crafter
Cindy at Chronicles of Yarnia
Here are the rules
1 Link back to the person who tagged you
2 Mention the rules on your blog
3 Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4 Tag 6 following bloggers by linking to them
5 Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers blogs letting them know they've been
Six unspectacular quirks about me.
1. When I hand piece quilt blocks, I use tons of pins, at least ever 1/4 inch. I get very accurate seams, the same as using less pins, but no matter. I need lots of pins.
2. I collect McDonald's Happy meal Toys and with the help of some very nice Micky-Ds employees, I'm able to complete sets many times.
3. I absolutely love rainy days and snowy days, more than the opposites. I know I need the sunshine but those rainy or snowy days could go on and on for me.
4. I have this need to protect all things living. I stop my car whenever I can to move a turtle to the side of the road. I don't squish bugs, spiders, etc. but catch them in a glass or with a paper towel and put them outside. I pick up worms that have crawled on to my porch or drive and throw them into the grass.
5. I love movies and classic TV shows and watch them over and over and over and over again.
6. I talk to my self (out loud) especially when I'm crocheting or quilting instead of thinking
I tag the following people whose blogs I have been enjoying.
Susan at Blackberry Creek Home Arts
Molly at Dark Oak Woman
Mary at Across the Pond
Pheeyla at Ramblings of a Crafter
Cindy at Chronicles of Yarnia
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Today it was "The Dark Knight"
What a great action film-my mom thought it was a very noisy film but she liked it. She's 85 and loves the movies so we go to a bargain matinee just about every Saturday. I know when mom likes a film-she doesn't leave her seat and she doesn't fall asleep. We were 2 for 2 today. Kraig, Jess, and Robby went, too. We all enjoyed it. I have to say I think about a movie a lot and try to see into it rather than just face value. When I read bad revues both by critics and ordinary people, I think they just don't get it and maybe they aren't trying. I'm surely no expert but I do love movies and really enjoy them. I like the movies I see and I am particular about one thing, I hardly ever see movies that are rated R. I see so many previews so I do get a good idea of whether I want to see it or not. There are plenty of movies to see. While watching I couldn't help but think about Heath Ledger and his short life. I think he was a good actor and was becoming more versatile with every part he played. I first saw him in A Knights Tale, then The Brothers Grimm, and recently 10 Things I Hate About You. I liked him in all. But this I think was an Academy Award performance. He was another actor playing The Joker but his portrayal was something else. All his mannerisms, facial features, the voice. He wasn't Heat Ledger, but the Joker. And I don't think that just because he is gone. There have been a lot of actors and actresses who have won for their portrayals. They became their characters. I knew I would think about him as I watched. I think Christian Bale is a fabulous actor. Saw him as a young actor in Little Women(not knowing who he would become), As twin brothers in The Prestige, and of course Batman in Batman Begins. He's been in lots more movies than I've seen but in looking at his filmography there are those I don't care to see. Oh well, I' ll be waiting to see what his next movie will be.
Next week we see The X Files and the next week, The Mummy. Both are favorite movie series and I've seen all the previous ones.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Here's number 3 from the "Laps From Fats" sit n' sew. It's called Cake Walk. I had some fabric that came in 18 colorways of the same print and that I did get on sale. It seemed perfect for this pattern. I had a yard of each and just cut what I needed-mostly 1 1/2 strips-the equivalent of fat quarters. And was very easy once I made a few blocks. This is the last Fat Quarter Quilt we are doing, for now. We're doing a Snow Man Wall Quilt and the who knows what, next.

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